Don mueang letiště

Napsal: Travelology

Vítejte v našem článku o největším letišti v Bangkoku – Don Mueangu! Pokud se chystáte na cestu do Thajska, tuto informaci byste měli znát. Letiště Don Mueang bylo v minulosti hlavním letištěm Bangkoku a i dnes zůstává důležitým překladištěm pro mnoho leteckých společností. V našem článku se nejen dozvíte zajímavosti o historii letiště, ale také praktické tipy a triky, jak se v něm pohybovat bez problémů. Takže, pokud chcete být připraveni na svou cestu, nebojte se pokračovat v čtení!

Don Mueang Letiště: A Gateway to Bangkok

Don Mueang Letiště, or Don Mueang Airport, is one of the two international airports serving Bangkok, the capital city of Thailand. While Suvarnabhumi Airport is the primary gateway, Don Mueang Letiště has become increasingly popular in recent years, thanks to the rise of budget airlines and its location in the northern part of the city. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at what you can expect when flying into and out of Don Mueang Letiště.

History and Development

Don Mueang Letiště has a long and storied history, dating back to its construction in 1914 by the Royal Thai Air Force. In the decades that followed, the airport served as a hub for commercial airlines and military operations, until Suvarnabhumi Airport opened in 2006 and became the primary airport for Bangkok. However, with the rise of budget airlines, Don Mueang Letiště has experienced a resurgence in recent years, undergoing extensive renovations and expansions to accommodate the growing number of passengers.

Facilities and Services

Despite its smaller size compared to Suvarnabhumi Airport, Don Mueang Letiště offers a range of facilities and services for passengers. The airport has two terminals, with Terminal 1 serving domestic flights and Terminal 2 serving international flights. Both terminals offer a variety of dining and shopping options, as well as lounges for premium passengers. Don Mueang Letiště also has a range of ground transportation options, including taxis, buses, and a dedicated airport shuttle service.

Getting to and from Don Mueang Letiště

Don Mueang Letiště is located in the northern part of Bangkok, approximately 24 kilometers from the city center. While it is not as convenient as Suvarnabhumi Airport, there are several transportation options available for getting to and from the airport. Taxis are readily available, and the airport offers a pre-paid taxi service to ensure a fair price. Buses also run between the airport and various parts of the city, including the BTS Skytrain and MRT subway stations. For those on a budget, the airport shuttle service is a convenient and affordable option.

Tips for Flying from Don Mueang Letiště

If you’re flying from Don Mueang Letiště, there are a few things to keep in mind to make your experience as smooth as possible. First, be sure to arrive at the airport with plenty of time to spare, especially if you are flying internationally. Security lines can be long, and the airport can get crowded during peak travel times. Additionally, be aware of the baggage restrictions for your airline, as budget airlines often charge extra for checked bags and have strict weight limits for carry-on bags.


Don Mueang Letiště may not be as well-known as Suvarnabhumi Airport, but it offers a convenient and affordable option for travelers to Bangkok. With its range of facilities and services, getting to and from the airport is easy, and flying from Don Mueang Letiště can be a great way to save money on airfare. Whether you’re visiting Bangkok for business or pleasure, consider flying into Don Mueang Letiště for a hassle-free travel experience.

Často Kladené Otázky

Co je Don Mueang letiště?

Don Mueang letiště je mezinárodní letiště v Bangkoku, Thajsku. Bylo otevřeno v roce 1914 a je nejstarší letiště v regionu. Dnes slouží jako druhé hlavní letiště v Bangkoku, vedle Suvarnabhumi letiště. Don Mueang letiště je hlavním letištěm pro nízkonákladové letecké společnosti.

Jak se dostat z Don Mueang letiště do centra města?

Je možné se dostat do centra města z Don Mueang letiště různými způsoby. Nejjednodušší způsob je použitím taxi služby. Existuje také autobusová linka a vlaková linka, které se nacházejí v blízkosti letiště. Pro cestovatele, kteří hledají levnější možnosti, jsou k dispozici motorkářské taxi a minibusy. Všechny tyto možnosti jsou snadno dostupné z letiště a poskytují rychlý a pohodlný přístup do centra města.

O Autorovi

V Travelology se snažíme neustále rozšiřovat naši nabídku a přinášet našim zákazníkům nové a zajímavé zážitky. Jsme hrdí na to, že jsme již několik let po sobě získali ocenění za nejlepší cestovní agenturu v České republice.

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