Co ochutnat v Slovensku

Napsal: Travelology

Víte, co je to nejlepší na Slovensku? Bez pochyby to jsou lahůdky, které zde najdete! Pokud máte rádi dobré jídlo a chcete poznat ty nejzajímavější gastronomické zážitky na Slovensku, pak byste určitě neměli přestat číst. V tomto článku vám totiž představíme nejen nejznámější slovenské speciality, ale i ty méně obvyklé, které byste si rozhodně neměli nechat ujít. Takže, pokud máte chuť ochutnat něco nového a zajímavého, pusťte se s námi na cestu po slovenské kuchyni!

Co ochutnat v Slovensku: Discovering the Culinary Delights of Slovakia

Slovakia is a small country located in Central Europe, known for its stunning landscapes, rich history, and vibrant culture. But what many people don’t know is that Slovakia is also a food lover’s paradise, offering a unique blend of traditional and modern cuisine that is sure to tantalize your taste buds.

Traditional Slovak Cuisine

Slovak cuisine is deeply rooted in the country’s rural heritage, with many dishes featuring hearty meats, potatoes, and other staples that have been a part of the Slovak diet for centuries. Some traditional dishes that you must try include:

– Bryndzové halušky: This is a national dish, consisting of small potato dumplings topped with a special type of sheep cheese called “bryndza.” This dish is often served with bacon bits and fried onions, making it a rich and delicious meal.

– Kapustnica: This is a classic Slovak Christmas soup made with sauerkraut, smoked meat, and dried mushrooms. It is served hot and is perfect for warming up on a cold winter day.

– Živánska: This is a type of sausage that is made from a mixture of pork and beef. It is seasoned with garlic, paprika, and other spices, giving it a unique and flavorful taste.

Modern Slovak Cuisine

While traditional Slovak cuisine is still popular, the country’s culinary scene has also undergone a modernization in recent years, with many chefs putting their own spin on classic dishes and experimenting with new flavors and techniques. Here are some modern Slovak dishes that you should try:

– Halibut with beetroot risotto: This dish is a perfect example of the fusion of traditional and modern Slovak cuisine. The halibut is cooked to perfection and served with a creamy, flavorful beetroot risotto.

– Grilled lamb chops with rosemary potatoes: This dish is a hearty and delicious meal that is perfect for meat lovers. The lamb chops are grilled to perfection and served with roasted rosemary potatoes, creating a perfect balance of flavors and textures.

– Pork belly with apple puree: This dish is a modern take on a classic Slovak dish. The pork belly is slow-cooked to perfection and served with a sweet and tangy apple puree that perfectly complements the rich, savory flavor of the meat.

Slovak Wines and Beers

In addition to its delicious food, Slovakia is also known for its excellent wines and beers. Some of the best wines to try include:

– Rizling Vlašský: This is a crisp and refreshing white wine that is perfect for a hot summer day. It has a slightly sweet taste and is often served with fish or seafood.

– Frankovka modrá: This is a full-bodied red wine that is perfect for pairing with meat dishes. It has a deep, rich flavor and goes well with beef or lamb.

As for beer, Slovakia has a long tradition of brewing, and there are many excellent local breweries to choose from. Some of the best beers to try include:

– Zlatý Bažant: This is a popular Slovak beer that has a crisp, refreshing taste and is perfect for a hot summer day.

– Urpiner: This is a premium beer that is brewed using traditional methods and ingredients. It has a full, rich flavor and is perfect for pairing with hearty meat dishes.


Slovakia may be a small country, but it is packed with culinary delights that are sure to satisfy even the most discerning foodie. From traditional dishes like bryndzové halušky and kapustnica to modern creations like halibut with beetroot risotto, Slovakia’s cuisine is a true reflection of its rich history and vibrant culture. So why not plan a trip to Slovakia and discover the country’s culinary treasures for yourself? You won’t be disappointed!

Často Kladené Otázky

Co ochutnat v Slovensku?

V Slovensku si určitě musíte vyzkoušet halušky, bryndzové pirohy, oštiepok, klobásy, lokše a tradiční slovenskou zelňačku. Pokud máte rádi sladké, určitě si nenechte ujít trdelník a makové a orechové zákusky.

Je slovenská kuchyně vhodná i pro vegetariány?

I když se v tradiční slovenské kuchyni často používá maso a sýry, existují i možnosti pro vegetariány. Můžete ochutnat halušky s kyselou smetanou a ořechy, bryndzové pirohy bez slaniny nebo zelňačku s bramborami a bez uzeného masa. V moderních restauracích a kavárnách najdete také vegetariánské a veganské alternativy.

O Autorovi

V Travelology se snažíme neustále rozšiřovat naši nabídku a přinášet našim zákazníkům nové a zajímavé zážitky. Jsme hrdí na to, že jsme již několik let po sobě získali ocenění za nejlepší cestovní agenturu v České republice.

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