Jezera v Švédsku mapa

Napsal: Travelology

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Jezera v Švédsku mapa: Explore the Beauty of Swedish Lakes

Sweden is a country blessed with natural beauty, and one of the most spectacular features is its vast array of lakes. From the northern Lapland to the southern coast, there are over 100,000 lakes in Sweden, making it a dream destination for nature lovers and outdoor enthusiasts. Let’s take a closer look at some of the most breathtaking lakes in Sweden and explore their unique features.

Lake Vänern

Lake Vänern is the largest lake in Sweden and the third-largest in Europe, covering an area of 5,650 square kilometers. This lake is located in the western part of the country and is known for its crystal-clear water, sandy beaches, and picturesque archipelago. It is a popular spot for fishing, boating, and swimming. The lake is also home to many small islands, including the stunning Läckö Castle.

Lake Mälaren

Lake Mälaren is the third-largest lake in Sweden, covering an area of 1,140 square kilometers. This lake is located near Stockholm, the capital city of Sweden, and is an important source of drinking water for the city. The lake is surrounded by beautiful landscapes, including forests, hills, and charming villages. Visitors can enjoy boating, fishing, and swimming in the lake, as well as exploring the nearby attractions such as the Drottningholm Palace and the town of Mariefred.

Lake Siljan

Lake Siljan is located in the heart of Sweden and is one of the most beautiful lakes in the country. It is surrounded by lush forests, hills, and charming villages, making it a popular destination for tourists and locals alike. The lake is known for its clear blue water, sandy beaches, and stunning sunsets. Visitors can enjoy a range of activities, including fishing, swimming, and hiking.

Lake Storsjön

Lake Storsjön is located in the northern part of Sweden and is the fifth-largest lake in the country, covering an area of 464 square kilometers. This lake is known for its deep blue water, stunning scenery, and rich history. The lake is surrounded by mountains, forests, and charming villages, making it a popular destination for outdoor enthusiasts. Visitors can enjoy fishing, boating, hiking, and skiing in the winter.

Lake Torneträsk

Lake Torneträsk is located in the Lapland region of northern Sweden and is one of the largest lakes in the country, covering an area of 330 square kilometers. This lake is known for its crystal-clear water, stunning scenery, and unique wildlife. The lake is surrounded by mountains, glaciers, and forests, making it a popular destination for hiking, skiing, and exploring the northern wilderness.


Sweden is a country with a natural beauty that is hard to match, and its lakes are a perfect example of this. From the largest lake in Sweden to the stunning lakes located in the northern Lapland, there is a lake for everyone to enjoy. Visitors can enjoy a range of activities, including fishing, boating, swimming, hiking, and skiing. So, if you are looking for a unique and unforgettable experience, plan a trip to Sweden and explore its breathtaking lakes.

Často Kladené Otázky

Jaké jsou nejkrásnější jezera v Švédsku podle mapy?

Podle mapy jsou mezi nejkrásnějšími jezery v Švédsku Vänern, Vättern a Mälaren. Vänern je největší jezero ve Švédsku a třetí největší v Evropě. Vättern je druhé největší jezero ve Švédsku a je známé pro svou čistou vodu a krásné pobřeží. Mälaren je největší jezero v regionu Stockholm a je obklopen historickými městy a památkami.

Jsou jezera v Švédsku vhodná pro vodní aktivity?

Ano, jezera v Švédsku jsou ideální pro vodní aktivity. Mnoho jezer nabízí možnost rybolovu, plavby a kajakářských výletů. Některá jezera jsou také oblíbená pro windsurfing a wakeboarding. V létě se na březích jezer konají různé festivaly a kulturní akce. Nicméně, je třeba si dávat pozor na bezpečnost a dodržovat pravidla, zejména pokud jste nováčkem ve vodních aktivitách.

O Autorovi

V Travelology se snažíme neustále rozšiřovat naši nabídku a přinášet našim zákazníkům nové a zajímavé zážitky. Jsme hrdí na to, že jsme již několik let po sobě získali ocenění za nejlepší cestovní agenturu v České republice.

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