Sopky v Estonsku které stojí za to vidět!

Napsal: Travelology

Ahoj všichni! V dnešním článku vás provedu neobvyklou, ale skvělou destinací, kterou byste neměli opomenout při plánování své další cesty. Ano, mluvím o estonských sopkách, které stojí za to vidět! Možná si myslíte, že sopky patří pouze do zemí jako jsou Island nebo Japonsko, ale to není pravda! Estonsko má také své sopky, které jsou zcela jedinečné a nádherné. Pokud chcete objevit krásu této země a nevíte, kam vyrazit, pak je tento článek pro vás. Přináším vám nejen seznam nejkrásnějších estonských sopek, ale také zajímavosti o historii této oblasti a tipy na nejlepší dovolenou. Tak proč se nechat inspirovat a pokračovat ve čtení?

Vulcanos in Estonia worth seeing

Estonia is a country with a rich natural heritage, and its landscapes are a testament to its unique geographical features. While Estonia is not known for its volcanoes, there are a few hidden gems that are worth exploring. These volcanoes may not be as active as the ones in Hawaii, but they still offer a unique and awe-inspiring experience. In this article, we will explore the volcanoes in Estonia that are worth seeing.

The history of volcanoes in Estonia

Estonia has a long geological history that dates back millions of years. During this time, the country has experienced numerous volcanic eruptions, which have left behind a significant impact on the landscape. The volcanoes in Estonia are not active, but they are still a testament to the country’s unique geology. The most significant volcanic activity in Estonia occurred during the Ordovician period, around 450 million years ago. During this time, Estonia was covered by a shallow sea, and the volcanic activity was the result of tectonic movements.

Sopky v Estonsku které stojí za to vidět!

1. Põhja-Kõrvemaa Nature Reserve

The Põhja-Kõrvemaa Nature Reserve is located in northern Estonia and is home to several dormant volcanoes. The reserve covers an area of 130 square kilometers and is known for its beautiful forests and hiking trails. The most prominent volcano in the reserve is the Kõnnu Suursoo, which has a height of 105 meters. The volcano is not active, but it offers a unique perspective on Estonia’s geological history.

2. Lake Tudu

Lake Tudu is located in Central Estonia and is home to a small volcanic island. The island is known as the Paekalda Island, and it was formed by a volcanic eruption that occurred around 10,000 years ago. The island is only accessible by boat, but it offers a unique perspective on Estonia’s geological history.

3. Toompea Hill

Toompea Hill is located in Tallinn, the capital of Estonia, and it is home to several volcanic formations. The hill is known for its historical significance, and it offers a unique perspective on the city’s geological history. The most prominent volcanic formation on the hill is the Tower Hill, which has a height of 48 meters. The formation was created by a volcanic eruption that occurred around 1.9 million years ago.

4. Piusa Sand Caves

The Piusa Sand Caves are located in southeastern Estonia and are home to several volcanic formations. The caves were formed by sand mining, but they offer a unique perspective on Estonia’s geological history. The most prominent volcanic formation in the caves is the Kukepera Hill, which has a height of 20 meters. The formation was created by a volcanic eruption that occurred around 600 million years ago.

The importance of preserving Estonia’s natural heritage

Estonia’s natural heritage is a vital part of the country’s identity, and it is essential to preserve it for future generations. The volcanoes in Estonia are not active, but they still offer a unique and awe-inspiring experience. It is important to promote sustainable tourism in Estonia and to ensure that the country’s natural heritage is protected.


Estonia may not be known for its volcanoes, but it is home to several hidden gems that are worth exploring. The volcanoes in Estonia offer a unique perspective on the country’s geological history, and they are a testament to its rich natural heritage. It is essential to promote sustainable tourism in Estonia and to ensure that the country’s natural heritage is protected.

Často Kladené Otázky

Jaké sopky lze nalézt v Estonsku?

V Estonsku neexistují žádné aktivní sopky, ale můžete navštívit zbytky sopky, které se nacházejí na poloostrově Sõrve. Zde se nachází kráterové jezero Kaali, které bylo vytvořeno před více než 4000 lety sopečnou erupcí. Tento kráter je nyní krásnou turistickou atrakcí pro návštěvníky, kteří se chtějí podívat na neobvyklé sopečné útvary.

Je bezpečné navštívit sopky v Estonsku?

Ano, návštěva sopky v Estonsku je bezpečná, protože v současné době neexistují žádné aktivní sopky. Nicméně, je důležité být obezřetný a postupovat podle pokynů místních průvodců, aby se minimalizovalo riziko úrazu. Během návštěvy sopky je také důležité mít na paměti, že se jedná o přírodní útvar, který je třeba respektovat a chránit.

O Autorovi

V Travelology se snažíme neustále rozšiřovat naši nabídku a přinášet našim zákazníkům nové a zajímavé zážitky. Jsme hrdí na to, že jsme již několik let po sobě získali ocenění za nejlepší cestovní agenturu v České republice.

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