Kolik obyvatel je v Brně

Napsal: Travelology

Víte, kolik obyvatel žije v Brně? Pokud ne, nevadí, protože v tomto článku se dozvíte vše, co potřebujete. Brno je druhé největší město v České republice a má bohatou historii a kulturu. Město je domovem mnoha zajímavých památek, muzeí a uměleckých galerií, ale také je zde mnoho moderních a progresivních míst, které lákají návštěvníky z celého světa. Pokud chcete vědět, kolik lidí žije v tomto úžasném městě a co ho dělá tak jedinečným, určitě byste měli pokračovat ve čtení.

Kolik obyvatel je v Brně

Brno, the second-largest city in the Czech Republic, is a hub of culture, education, and innovation. With its rich history and vibrant present, it is no wonder that many people are curious about the number of inhabitants in this bustling metropolis. In this article, we will delve into the topic of how many people live in Brno and explore some of the factors that have influenced its population over the years.

Historical Overview

Brno has a long and complex history that has shaped its population over time. The first recorded mention of the city dates back to the 11th century, and it has since grown into a major economic and cultural center. During the 20th century, Brno experienced significant population growth due to industrialization and the influx of people from rural areas. However, the city also suffered significant losses during World War II, resulting in a decline in population.

Current Population

As of 2021, the estimated population of Brno is around 380,000 people. This number has been steadily increasing in recent years, as the city becomes more attractive to young professionals, students, and families. The population density of Brno is also relatively high, with around 2,600 people per square kilometer.

Factors Affecting Population

There are several factors that have influenced the population of Brno over the years. One of the most significant is the city’s role as a center of industry and commerce. This has attracted people from all over the country and even from abroad, as they seek out better job opportunities and a higher standard of living.

Another important factor is the city’s reputation as a cultural and educational hub. Brno is home to several universities and research institutions, which attract students and academics from all over the world. This has helped to create a diverse and cosmopolitan population, with people from many different backgrounds and cultures.

Finally, the city’s location and transport links have also played a role in its population growth. Brno is situated in the heart of Europe, with easy access to major cities like Vienna, Prague, and Budapest. This makes it an attractive destination for businesses and investors, as well as for tourists and travelers.


In conclusion, Brno is a vibrant and growing city with a rich history and a diverse population. Its population has been influenced by many factors over the years, including its role as a center of industry, culture, and education, as well as its location and transport links. As Brno continues to develop and prosper, we can expect its population to keep growing and evolving, adding to the city’s unique character and charm.

Často Kladené Otázky

Kolik obyvatel je v Brně?

V Brně žije přibližně 380 000 lidí. Je to druhé největší město v České republice, a také hlavní město Jihomoravského kraje. Brno je důležitým kulturním a vzdělávacím centrem, a patří mezi nejvýznamnější města v celé zemi.

Jaká je historie Brna?

Brno má bohatou historii, která sahá až do 11. století. Město bylo založeno na soutoku řeky Svitavy a Svratky, a postupně se stalo důležitým obchodním centrem. Během své historie Brno prošlo mnoha změnami, včetně několika válek a několika období prosperity. Dnes je Brno moderním městem s bohatou historickou a kulturní scénou, které přitahuje návštěvníky z celého světa.

O Autorovi

V Travelology se snažíme neustále rozšiřovat naši nabídku a přinášet našim zákazníkům nové a zajímavé zážitky. Jsme hrdí na to, že jsme již několik let po sobě získali ocenění za nejlepší cestovní agenturu v České republice.

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