Kam vlakem za prahu

Napsal: Travelology

„Kam vlakem za Prahu?“ is a question that has been on the minds of many travelers seeking adventure in the Czech Republic. This fascinating train journey takes you through the picturesque countryside, offering breathtaking views of the rolling hills and quaint villages. But there’s more to this journey than just the scenery. With a rich history and cultural significance, this train ride is a must-do for anyone looking to explore the heart and soul of the Czech Republic. So hop on board and discover the hidden gems that lie beyond the city limits. Get ready for an unforgettable journey that will leave you in awe and inspire you to explore more of this beautiful country.“

Kam vlakem za prahu: Explore Prague by Train


Prague is a city that needs no introduction. The capital city of the Czech Republic is a stunning destination with picturesque streets, magnificent architecture, and a rich historical and cultural heritage. And while walking the streets of Prague is an experience in itself, there is another way to explore the city that is just as enjoyable: by train. In this article, we will take a closer look at the different ways you can explore Prague by train, including day trips to nearby destinations and scenic routes that showcase the city’s beauty.

Day Trips from Prague by Train

One of the best things about Prague is its central location in Europe, making it an excellent base for day trips to nearby destinations. And what better way to get there than by train? Here are some of the best day trips from Prague that you can take by train:

Kutná Hora

Kutná Hora is a UNESCO World Heritage Site located about an hour from Prague by train. The town is famous for its stunning Gothic cathedral, the Sedlec Ossuary, and the Italian Court, a former royal palace that now houses a museum.

Karlštejn Castle

Karlštejn Castle is one of the most popular day trips from Prague. The castle, located about 40 minutes from the city by train, was built in the 14th century and served as a safe haven for the crown jewels and other treasures of the Bohemian Kingdom.

Český Krumlov

Český Krumlov is a charming town located in the southern part of the Czech Republic, about 2.5 hours from Prague by train. The town is famous for its stunning castle, narrow streets, and beautiful river views.

Scenic Train Routes in Prague

If you’re looking for a more leisurely way to explore Prague, there are several scenic train routes that showcase the city’s beauty. Here are some of the best scenic train routes in Prague:

Prague to Karlštejn Castle

The train ride from Prague to Karlštejn Castle is not only a convenient way to get to the castle, but it also offers stunning views of the Czech countryside. The route takes you through small towns, rolling hills, and pastures.

Prague to Dresden

The train ride from Prague to Dresden is one of the most scenic routes you can take in Europe. The route takes you through the Saxon Switzerland National Park, offering stunning views of sandstone cliffs, forests, and rivers.

Prague to Vienna

The train ride from Prague to Vienna is another scenic route that takes you through the beautiful Czech and Austrian countryside. The route offers stunning views of mountains, forests, and quaint villages along the way.


Exploring Prague by train is not only a convenient way to get around, but it’s also a great way to see the city and its surroundings from a different perspective. Whether you’re looking for a day trip to a nearby town or a scenic train ride through the countryside, there’s something for everyone when it comes to exploring Prague by train. So, next time you’re in the city, hop on a train and see where it takes you.

Často Kladené Otázky

Jaké jsou nejlepší způsoby, jak se dostat vlakem do Prahy?

Nejlepší způsob, jak se dostat vlakem do Prahy, záleží na vašem výchozím místě. Pokud se nacházíte v blízkosti Prahy, můžete využít místního příměstského vlaku, který jezdí často a je poměrně levný. Pokud cestujete z dálky, můžete zvážit rychlíkové spoje, jako je například rychlík Pendolino. Pokud hledáte levnější možnosti, můžete zkusit regionální vlaky, které zastavují v menších městech a jsou často cenově dostupnější.

Je lepší koupit si vlakovou jízdenku online nebo na místě?

Koupě vlakové jízdenky online je často pohodlnější a rychlejší než nákup na místě. Online si můžete vybrat nejlepší spojení a cenovou kategorii, zaplatit kartou a mít jízdenku ihned k dispozici. Na místě se můžete setkat s frontami na pokladnách nebo prodejních automatech, což může být časově náročné. Pokud však preferujete osobní přístup a rádi se poradíte s pracovníky na pokladně, můžete si jízdenku koupit i na místě. Pamatujte však na to, že některé spoje mohou být vyprodané, zejména v obdobích vysoké turistiky, a je proto lepší si jízdenku zajistit předem.

O Autorovi

V Travelology se snažíme neustále rozšiřovat naši nabídku a přinášet našim zákazníkům nové a zajímavé zážitky. Jsme hrdí na to, že jsme již několik let po sobě získali ocenění za nejlepší cestovní agenturu v České republice.

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