Kam na výlet vlakem z brna

Napsal: Travelology

Vážení čtenáři, máte rádi výlety? A co kdybychom vás tentokrát pozvali na nezapomenutelný zážitek, který zažijete jen díky vlaku? Ano, slyšíte správně! Připravili jsme pro vás seznam míst, kam můžete vyrazit z Brna vlakem a užít si přírodu, historii či gastronomické speciality. V dnešní době málokdo ví, že vlakem se může vydat i na zajímavá místa v okolí Brna. Pokud máte chuť na dobrodružství a chtěli byste objevovat krásy naší země, určitě byste neměli tento článek přehlédnout. Tak pojďme na to!

Kam na výlet vlakem z Brna

Brno, the second largest city of the Czech Republic, is a beautiful and historic place that has so much to offer. But sometimes, you just want to escape the city and go on a day trip somewhere. Luckily, Brno is well-connected by train to many interesting destinations in the surrounding area. Here are some great places you can easily visit by train from Brno.


Olomouc, located about 80 kilometers north of Brno, is a charming and picturesque city that is perfect for a day trip. The city is famous for its beautiful historic center, which is home to many stunning buildings and landmarks. One of the main attractions is the Holy Trinity Column, a UNESCO World Heritage Site that stands in the heart of the city. Other must-see sights include the Astronomical Clock, the St. Wenceslas Cathedral, and the Archdiocesan Museum.


Mikulov is a beautiful town located in the heart of the South Moravian wine region, about 50 kilometers south of Brno. The town is famous for its stunning castle, which sits atop a hill overlooking the town. Visitors can also explore the beautiful town square, which is home to many historic buildings and landmarks. Another must-see attraction is the Mikulov Chateau, which houses a museum of wine and viticulture.


Telč is a beautiful and historic town located about 100 kilometers east of Brno. The town is famous for its stunning Renaissance architecture, which is some of the best-preserved in the Czech Republic. The town square is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and is home to many beautiful buildings, including the Telč Castle and the Church of St. James. Visitors can also take a stroll through the beautiful gardens and parks that surround the town.


Třebíč is a historic town located about 70 kilometers west of Brno. The town is famous for its stunning Jewish Quarter, which is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Visitors can explore the many synagogues and other Jewish landmarks in the area, including the Jewish Cemetery, which is one of the largest in Europe. Other must-see sights in Třebíč include the St. Procopius Basilica and the Třebíč Castle.


Kroměříž is a beautiful and historic town located about 60 kilometers north of Brno. The town is famous for its stunning Archbishop’s Palace, which is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Visitors can explore the beautiful gardens and parks that surround the palace, as well as the many other historic buildings and landmarks in the area. Other must-see sights in Kroměříž include the St. Maurice Church and the Kroměříž Castle.


Znojmo is a beautiful and historic town located about 60 kilometers south of Brno. The town is famous for its stunning Gothic architecture, which is some of the best-preserved in the Czech Republic. Visitors can explore the beautiful town square, which is home to many historic buildings and landmarks, including the Znojmo Castle and the St. Nicholas Church. Other must-see sights in Znojmo include the Underground Labyrinth and the Wine Museum.

Overall, Brno is a great base for exploring the many interesting destinations in the surrounding area. Whether you want to explore historic towns and landmarks, sample delicious wine, or simply enjoy the beautiful countryside, there is something for everyone within easy reach of Brno by train.

Často Kladené Otázky

Kam se mohu dostat vlakem z Brna na výlet?

Pro výlety vlakem z Brna máte celou řadu možností. Můžete například jet na výlet do Bratislavy, Olomouce nebo Prahy. Pokud máte rádi přírodu, můžete se vydat na výlet do Moravského krasu nebo na Pálavu. Pokud si chcete užít trochu relaxace, můžete se vydat do lázní v Luhačovicích nebo Karlových Varech.

Jaké jsou ceny jízdenek na vlak z Brna na výlet?

Ceny jízdenek na vlak z Brna na výlet se liší podle destinace a typu vlaku. Obecně platí, že ceny jsou nižší, pokud si jízdenku koupíte dopředu a na internetu. Pokud chcete cestovat v první třídě, musíte počítat s vyššími cenami. Pro informace o cenách jízdenek se obraťte na webové stránky Českých drah nebo kontaktujte přímo přepravce.

O Autorovi

V Travelology se snažíme neustále rozšiřovat naši nabídku a přinášet našim zákazníkům nové a zajímavé zážitky. Jsme hrdí na to, že jsme již několik let po sobě získali ocenění za nejlepší cestovní agenturu v České republice.

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