Kam jezdily vlaky z nádraží praha těšnov

Napsal: Travelology

Víte, kam jezdily vlaky z nádraží Praha Těšnov v minulosti? Pokud ne, tak byste měli určitě pokračovat v čtení. Historie tohoto nádraží sahá až do roku 1875 a od té doby se zde odehrálo mnoho zajímavých momentů, které stojí za povšimnutí. Kromě toho se dozvíte i o tom, jak se nádraží vyvíjelo v průběhu času a jaké mělo vliv na rozvoj města. Takže pokud máte rádi historii a zajímá vás, jak vypadalo železniční spojení v Praze v minulosti, neváhejte a pokračujte v čtení.

Kam jezdily vlaky z nádraží Praha-Těšnov

Prague is a city steeped in history, culture, and architectural beauty. As one of the most visited destinations in Europe, Prague has numerous attractions to offer visitors. However, the city’s transportation history is also rich and fascinating, particularly the railways that run through the city.

The History of Nádraží Praha-Těšnov

Nádraží Praha-Těšnov, also known as Praha-Těšnov Station, is a railway station in Prague. It was opened in 1871 as a terminal station, and it served as the starting point for trains heading towards the east and southeast of the Czech Republic.

The station played a crucial role in the transportation history of Prague, connecting the city to other major European cities. From Nádraží Praha-Těšnov, trains would travel to destinations such as Vienna, Budapest, Bratislava, and Krakow, among others.

The Different Routes from Nádraží Praha-Těšnov

One of the most popular routes from Nádraží Praha-Těšnov was the Prague-Vienna line. This line was opened in 1871 and provided a direct connection between the two cities. The journey took around four hours, and the train passed through several beautiful towns and scenic landscapes.

Another popular route was the Prague-Budapest line. This line was opened in 1872 and provided a direct connection between Prague and Budapest. The journey took around seven hours, and the train passed through several beautiful towns and scenic landscapes.

Other routes from Nádraží Praha-Těšnov included the Prague-Bratislava line and the Prague-Krakow line. These routes connected Prague to other major European cities, providing an efficient and convenient mode of transportation for travelers.

The Decline of Nádraží Praha-Těšnov

Despite its historical significance, Nádraží Praha-Těšnov has undergone significant changes over the years. In the mid-20th century, the station lost its role as a terminal station and became a through station instead.

With the introduction of new train technologies and the construction of new railway lines, the importance of Nádraží Praha-Těšnov gradually declined. Today, the station is primarily used for regional trains and commuter services, and only a few long-distance trains stop at the station.

The Legacy of Nádraží Praha-Těšnov

Despite its decline, Nádraží Praha-Těšnov remains an important part of Prague’s transportation history. The station’s architecture and design are still intact, and it serves as a reminder of the city’s rich railway heritage.

Today, Nádraží Praha-Těšnov is an important hub for regional trains, connecting Prague to nearby towns and cities. It also serves as a major interchange station, allowing passengers to transfer between different modes of transportation.


Nádraží Praha-Těšnov played a crucial role in the transportation history of Prague. It connected the city to other major European cities, providing an efficient and convenient mode of transportation for travelers. Although the station’s importance has declined over the years, it remains an important part of Prague’s railway heritage, serving as a reminder of the city’s rich history and culture.

Často Kladené Otázky

Kam jezdily vlaky z nádraží Praha Těšnov?

Vlaky z nádraží Praha Těšnov jezdily do různých destinací v celé České republice. Mezi nejčastější patřily například Brno, Ostrava, Plzeň, České Budějovice, nebo Litoměřice. V minulosti se odtud také jezdilo do několika měst v zahraničí, jako například Vídně, Berlín nebo Moskva.

Je nádraží Praha Těšnov stále v provozu?

Nádraží Praha Těšnov bylo uzavřeno v roce 2012 a od té doby už se zde nekonají žádné vlakové spoje. V současnosti se zde nachází obchodní centrum a kancelářské prostory. Z nádraží Praha Těšnov se nyní jezdí pouze autobusy a tramvaje, které zajišťují dopravu po celém městě.

O Autorovi

V Travelology se snažíme neustále rozšiřovat naši nabídku a přinášet našim zákazníkům nové a zajímavé zážitky. Jsme hrdí na to, že jsme již několik let po sobě získali ocenění za nejlepší cestovní agenturu v České republice.

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