Can pastilla letiště

Napsal: Travelology

Vítejte na ostrově Mallorca! Pokud se chystáte navštívit Can Pastilla, jste na správném místě. Tento malebný přímořský letovisko na jihu ostrova nabízí nádherné pláže, slunce a spoustu aktivit pro celou rodinu. Ale nejen to, Can Pastilla je také domovem jednoho z největších letišť na Mallorce. Pokud se zajímáte o cestování a letectví, nebojte se, že byste se nudili, protože se dozvíte spoustu zajímavostí o letišti v Can Pastille. Takže, zůstaňte naladěni, protože se chystáme odhalit tajemství tohoto fascinujícího letiště.

Can Pastilla Letiště: A Guide to the Airport

Can Pastilla Letiště is one of the main airports serving the beautiful island of Mallorca, Spain. This airport is located just a few kilometers east of the city of Palma and is considered one of the busiest airports in Spain. In this guide, we will provide you with all the information you need to know about this airport, from its history and facilities to the best ways to get there and the top things to do nearby.

A Brief History of Can Pastilla Letiště

Can Pastilla Letiště, also known as Palma de Mallorca Airport, was first opened in 1960. At that time, it was a small airport that served only a few airlines and flights. However, with the growth of tourism in Mallorca, the airport quickly expanded and became one of the most important airports in Spain. Today, Can Pastilla Letiště serves millions of passengers every year, connecting Mallorca to many major cities in Europe and beyond.

The Facilities of Can Pastilla Letiště

Can Pastilla Letiště is a modern and well-equipped airport that offers a wide range of facilities to its passengers. Some of the main facilities include:

– Shops and Restaurants: The airport has a wide selection of shops and restaurants, offering everything from souvenirs and gifts to local cuisine and international fast food.

– VIP Lounges: Passengers who want to relax and enjoy some privacy can use one of the airport’s VIP lounges, which offer comfortable seating, free snacks and drinks, and other amenities.

– Car Rental: If you want to explore Mallorca on your own, you can rent a car from one of the many car rental companies located at the airport.

– Wi-Fi: Can Pastilla Letiště offers free Wi-Fi to all its passengers, allowing them to stay connected with friends and family or work on the go.

Getting to and from Can Pastilla Letiště

There are several ways to get to Can Pastilla Letiště, depending on your preferences and budget. Some of the most popular options include:

– Taxi: Taxis are available 24/7 outside the airport terminal, and they can take you to your destination in Can Pastilla or any other part of Mallorca.

– Bus: There are several bus lines that connect the airport to different parts of Mallorca, including the city of Palma and the nearby beaches.

– Car rental: If you want to have more freedom and flexibility, you can rent a car at the airport and explore Mallorca on your own.

Things to Do Near Can Pastilla Letiště

If you have some time to spare before or after your flight, there are many things to do near Can Pastilla Letiště. Some of the top attractions include:

– Beaches: Can Pastilla has several beautiful beaches where you can relax, swim, and soak up the sun. Some of the most popular beaches include Playa de Palma and Cala Estancia.

– Palma de Mallorca: The city of Palma is just a few kilometers away from the airport and is home to many historic landmarks, museums, and restaurants.

– Cycling: Mallorca is a popular destination for cycling enthusiasts, and there are many cycling routes near the airport that offer stunning views and challenging terrain.


Can Pastilla Letiště is a modern and busy airport that offers many facilities and services to its passengers. Whether you are traveling to Mallorca for business or leisure, this airport is a great starting point for your journey. So, pack your bags, book your flight, and get ready to explore all that Mallorca has to offer!

Často Kladené Otázky

1. Jak se dostat z Can Pastilly na letiště?

Existuje několik způsobů, jak se dostat z Can Pastilly na letiště. Nejpopulárnější možností je použití taxi služby, která je k dispozici 24 hodin denně. Další možností je využití místního autobusu, který jezdí pravidelně mezi Can Pastillou a letištěm. Pokud preferujete soukromý přepravní prostředek, můžete si pronajmout auto nebo motocykl v některé z místních půjčoven vozů.

2. Jak dlouho trvá cesta z Can Pastilly na letiště?

Délka cesty z Can Pastilly na letiště se liší v závislosti na zvoleném přepravním prostředku. Pokud se rozhodnete pro taxi, cesta by měla trvat přibližně 15-20 minut v závislosti na dopravní situaci. Pokud se rozhodnete použít autobus, cesta trvá zhruba 30-40 minut v závislosti na počtu zastávek. Pokud si pronajmete auto nebo motocykl, cesta by měla trvat kolem 10-15 minut v závislosti na dopravní situaci a vaší rychlosti jízdy.

O Autorovi

V Travelology se snažíme neustále rozšiřovat naši nabídku a přinášet našim zákazníkům nové a zajímavé zážitky. Jsme hrdí na to, že jsme již několik let po sobě získali ocenění za nejlepší cestovní agenturu v České republice.

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