kam jet kempovat

Napsal: Travelology

Ahoj, přátelé! Pokud hledáte způsob, jak strávit letní prázdniny nezapomenutelným zážitkem, mám pro vás jednu skvělou radu. Co takhle vyrazit na kempování do přírody? Kam jet kempovat? To je otázka, kterou si kladou mnozí z nás. V tomto článku vám představím několik nádherných lokalit, kam se můžete vypravit s rodinou nebo přáteli a užít si nezapomenutelnou dovolenou. Připravte se na dobrodružství, nové zážitky a krásné přírodní scenérie. Pokračujte v čtení a nechte se inspirovat!

Kam Jet Kempovat: The Ultimate Guide to Camping in the Czech Republic

If you’re looking for an adventure in the great outdoors, then camping in the Czech Republic could be just what you need. With its spectacular landscapes, rich history, and abundance of natural wonders, the Czech Republic is an ideal destination for camping enthusiasts. In this guide, we’ll take you through some of the best places to camp in the country, as well as provide tips on what to pack, what to expect, and how to make the most of your camping experience.

Why Czech Republic is a Great Place to Camp

The Czech Republic is a land of contrasts. From the rolling hills of Moravia to the rugged peaks of the Bohemian Forest, the country is home to some of the most breathtaking natural landscapes in Europe. But it’s not just the scenery that makes the Czech Republic a great place to camp. The country is also steeped in history and culture, with countless castles, churches, and museums to explore. And if you’re a fan of outdoor activities, then you’ll find plenty of opportunities for hiking, cycling, kayaking, and more.

Where to Camp in the Czech Republic

When it comes to camping in the Czech Republic, you’re spoiled for choice. Here are just a few of the best places to pitch your tent:

Šumava National Park

Located in the southwest of the country, Šumava National Park is a vast wilderness area that’s home to some of the most spectacular scenery in the Czech Republic. Here you’ll find dense forests, crystal-clear lakes, and towering mountains that offer breathtaking views. There are plenty of campsites in the area, ranging from basic sites with no facilities to fully equipped sites with showers and restaurants.

Krkonoše National Park

Located in the north of the country, Krkonoše National Park is home to the highest mountain range in the Czech Republic. Here you’ll find a mix of rugged peaks, deep valleys, and lush forests that are home to a wide range of wildlife. There are several campsites in the area, ranging from basic sites with no facilities to fully equipped sites with showers and restaurants.

Bohemian Paradise

Located in the north of the country, Bohemian Paradise is a region of stunning natural beauty that’s dotted with sandstone rock formations, deep forests, and crystal-clear rivers. There are several campsites in the area, ranging from basic sites with no facilities to fully equipped sites with showers and restaurants.

What to Pack

When it comes to packing for your camping trip in the Czech Republic, there are a few essential items that you’ll need:

– A tent: This is obviously the most important item on your list. Make sure you choose a tent that’s appropriate for the number of people in your group and the conditions you’ll be camping in.
– Sleeping bags: Make sure you choose sleeping bags that are appropriate for the conditions you’ll be camping in. It can get cold at night in the Czech Republic, so make sure you choose bags that are warm enough.
– Camping stove: If you plan on cooking your own meals, then a camping stove is a must. Make sure you bring enough fuel to last your entire trip.
– Water bottle: It’s important to stay hydrated when you’re camping, so make sure you bring a water bottle that you can refill throughout your trip.
– Warm clothing: Even in summer, the nights can get chilly in the Czech Republic. Make sure you bring warm clothing, including a jacket, hat, and gloves.
– Hiking boots: If you plan on doing any hiking, then a good pair of hiking boots is a must. Make sure you choose boots that are comfortable and appropriate for the terrain you’ll be hiking on.

What to Expect

When camping in the Czech Republic, you can expect to be surrounded by stunning natural beauty. However, you should also be prepared for some challenges. Here are a few things to keep in mind:

– Weather: The weather in the Czech Republic can be unpredictable, so make sure you bring appropriate clothing and gear for all conditions.
– Language: While many people in the Czech Republic speak English, you may encounter some language barriers, especially in more remote areas.
– Facilities: Depending on where you camp, facilities may be limited. Make sure you bring everything you need with you, including food, water, and toiletries.

How to Make the Most of Your Experience

To make the most of your camping experience in the Czech Republic, here are a few tips:

– Plan ahead: Make sure you research campsites and plan your route in advance.
– Be respectful: When camping in the Czech Republic, it’s important to be respectful of the environment, other campers, and local communities.
– Explore: The Czech Republic is full of natural wonders and cultural treasures. Make sure you take the time to explore everything the country has to offer.
– Embrace the experience: Camping in the Czech Republic is a unique and unforgettable experience. Embrace the adventure and enjoy all that the country has to offer.


Camping in the Czech Republic is a fantastic way to experience the country’s natural beauty, rich history, and unique culture. Whether you’re a seasoned camper or a first-timer, there’s something for everyone in this stunning destination. So pack your bags, pitch your tent, and get ready to explore all that the Czech Republic has to offer.

Často Kladené Otázky

Kam jet kempovat v České republice?

V České republice je mnoho krásných míst, kde můžete kempovat. Mezi nejoblíbenější patří například Krkonoše, Lipno, Šumava, Beskydy, Adršpašsko-teplické skály, nebo Orlické hory. Všechna tato místa nabízejí překrásnou přírodu a mnoho aktivit, jako jsou turistika, cykloturistika, vodáctví, nebo horolezectví. Vyberte si podle svých preferencí a užijte si krásné dovolené na čerstvém vzduchu!

Co si vzít s sebou na kempování v České republice?

Pokud plánujete kempovat v České republice, je důležité si vzít s sebou dostatek oblečení na různé počasí, stejně jako kvalitní stan, spacák a karimatku. Nezapomeňte také na vařič, nádobí a potřeby na vaření, vodu a potraviny. Pokud se chystáte na turistiku, určitě si vezměte vhodné boty a batoh na výlety. Pokud se kempování chystáte s rodinou, nezapomeňte na hry a aktivity pro děti. A hlavně nezapomeňte na dobrou náladu a chuť užít si přírodu!

O Autorovi

V Travelology se snažíme neustále rozšiřovat naši nabídku a přinášet našim zákazníkům nové a zajímavé zážitky. Jsme hrdí na to, že jsme již několik let po sobě získali ocenění za nejlepší cestovní agenturu v České republice.

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